• Topics

Intro to Leadership Development

Intended Audience: High School youth chapter members or smaller chapter leadership core. For new or emerging High School youth chapters. Level of difficulty: Introductory Curriculum (1 hour each, divided into two 30 min sessions – lunch, or afterschool): To discuss the importance of relationship building in recruitment and retention of members.… Read more

Intro to Grassroots Fundraising

Intended Audience: High School youth chapter members or smaller chapter leadership core. For new or emerging High School youth chapters. Level of difficulty: Introductory Curriculum (1 hour each, divided into two 30 min sessions – lunch, or afterschool): To understand the importance of grassroots fundraising in movement building To analyze who gives in the U.S.… Read more

Intro to Basebuilding

Intended Audience: High School youth chapter members or smaller chapter leadership core. For new or emerging High School youth chapters. Level of difficulty: Introductory Curriculum (1 hour each, divided into two 30 min sessions – lunch, or afterschool): To discuss the importance of basebuilding for movement building.… Read more

Food Justice Resource List

4 pages of online Food Justice resources covering the following topics: Curriculum and Tools Food Justice Resources US Policy and Information Blogs, Articles, Links International Organizing Farmworkers Favorite… Read more

Food Systems 101 Part 2

Audience: Youth Members Time Length: 2 hours Goals: To explore the concept of food security in our communities. To understand how food justice connects to other struggles for justice. To sharpen our public speaking and debate skills around Food Justice. Favorite… Read more

Communication for Health Justice: Media Toolkit

The Praxis Project is a national, nonprofit organization that builds partnerships with local groups to influence policymaking to address the underlying, systemic causes of community problems. www.thepraxisproject.org This curriculum is designed to help ad- vocates make this shift in three important ways: By providing tools to help advocates make the shift from health promotion and individual behavior change to a health systems framework By providing methods for integrating issue identification, power analysis and overall organizing strategy into communications planning By offering curriculum for facilitating strategic communications including audience identification and messaging to advance health justice framing Covers topics such as: Mapping Campaign and Media Goals Conducting a Power Analysis Creating OUR Conceptual Frame Mapping Target Audiences Developing Effective Messaging Favorite… Read more

Creative Visuals for Actions

Creative, bold visuals make a great center piece for every direct action. They do much more than make your actions look good. They unify your group, amplify your message, invite people to have a personal interaction with your work, and provide a visual story through symbols that clarify the issue.… Read more

Campaign Development

This workshop has two parts: 1) Choosing an Issue and Target and 2) Campaign Strategy. The first part elaborates on the concept of campaigns and connects the relevance of capacity and resources to succsessful campaigns. Part two breaks down specific organizational elements and personal stance to narrow down where one fits within the “power map,” which is used to help develop a simple and effective campaign strategy.… Read more

Advocacy Curriculum

Making a Difference Toolkit: Getting to know the community Taking the community pulse Cutting your issue: from issue to initiative Identifying support Mobilizing community support Power and oppression Using the media When you need a policy The Praxis Project is a national, nonprofit organization that builds partnerships with local groups to influence policymaking to address the underlying, systemic causes of community problems.… Read more