• Topics

Workshop 4 – We Are Part of a Global Economy! Understanding Globalization

THE GOALS OF THIS WORKSHOP ARE TO: Share participants’ experiences of globalization and its impact on their lives Define key terms related to globalization Discuss why globalization exists and what forces maintain its existence Understand how globalization impacts San Jose Envision a healthy San Jose This workshop is number 4 in a series of 7 workshops in the curriculum “Uncovering Who We Are: Political Education for Latina Women.”… Read more

Workshop 3 – We Are Residents of San Jose! The History and Development of the South Bay

THE GOALS OF THIS WORKSHOP ARE TO: Present an overview of the South Bay’s social, political and economic history Discuss and understand how this history influences the current reality of the South Bay as well as efforts to bring about social change in the region Highlight the important class, race and gender dynamics that impact the region’s development Understand the important government policies and corporate practices that impacted the development of the region and the lives of people living here Present an interpretation of history that captures the interactive relationship between exploitation and resistance to exploitation This workshop is number 3 in a series of 7 workshops in the curriculum “Uncovering Who We Are: Political Education for Latina Women.”… Read more


LAS METAS DE ESTE TALLER SON: Compartir nuestras experiencias, retos y logros como inmigrantes. Crear un sentimiento de vivencias comunes y solidaridad en torno a nuestra experiencia como inmigrantes. Entender nuestras historias personales dentro de una perspectiva histórica, analizando los factores políticos, sociales y económicos que llevan a la migración.… Read more


This small workshop aims to create a safe space for people to ask questions/ discuss about queer issues, to understand what homophobia is.and to understand how the structures of our everyday lives hurt queer people. Favorite… Read more

Safer Sex Workshop

The goal of this workshop is to talking about the idea of Positive Sexuality and what it means to our lives, gain information about the risks that can come from sex, and talk about how we can keep our selves safe if we do decide to have sex.… Read more